Other Television Interventions

El martes que viene (with Mercedes Milà) TVE (1990)

A live participation on the discussion subject of “Fearing the gender’s equal opportunities” after the participation of Doctor Haig.

A common housewife, a very conservative one, and a labour lawyer, and at the other side, a taxi driver, a feminist writer and a business man whose wife earns twice as much, were the characters that participated on the discussion.

Mercedes Milá believed that people would explain everything about themselves behind the camera, but they would withdraw in front of it. She wanted to try the experience of having some characters talking as naturally as one can behave with no cameras filming.

It was a big experience, taking into account the contents of the discussion and that at that time there were no “reality shows” yet. Half part of the country believed we were for real. At the end, Mercedes had to tell the truth to the audience and interviewed La Cubana; the actors appeared dressing normally and with no make-up on.

El día por delante (with Pepe Navarro) TVE (1989)

Since we were in Madrid performing “Cómeme el coco, negro”, La Cubana participated daily and live in the morning programme presented by Pepe Navarro. It was a great exercise since we had to prepare our characters with a day notice only. We did nearly everything: from stewardess to audience roles, technicians, fake guests, special reports, fashion shows, etc. We have to emphasise the report we did on December 28th, the Spanish April’s fools, where some guards punished the drivers with some school discipline instead of the usual fine.

Stromboli, TV3 (1998)

Bon dia Catalunya, TV3 (1995)