La Cubana - Theatre company

Chapter 8

Social rites

Chapter 7

Vacation at sea

Chapter 6

Haters, likes e influencers

Chapter 5

The climate change ("Greta Operation")

Chapter 4

Are the children only carried by the storks?

Chapter 3

The madness of the cuisine

Chapter 2

Beyond the economy

Chapter 1

The podcast and the future of the radio


Latest news
Signatures calendar of «Vida de Teresina»

The official presentation of «Vida de Teresina» (Life of Teresina) took place at the Ona Bookstore in Barcelona, attended by friends, colleagues, and people associated with the television series. The event concluded with a special performance by the Barcelona Gay Men’s Chorus directed by Master Joan Vives, who performed “La cançó de les Teresines”

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“VIDA DE TERESINA” is on the shelves of your bookshop!

This is a book about the Teresines. But let no one think it’s a book about the TV series we all know, which aired on TV3 in 1992, becoming a phenomenon that has become part of the Catalan popular imagination.

“Vida de Teresina” (Life of a Teresina) is a detailed biography of the three sisters,

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